What We Do

The Communication Committee (CommComm) provides information to chapter members and the public about public works services, events, and initiatives. The Committee is a resource for public information and involvement training. In coordination with the Chapter’s committees, CommComm produces and distributes the Chapter’s newsletters, updates the website and manages its social media profiles.

Why Our Work Is Important

By working in alignment with the Chapter Board’s Strategic Plan, CommComm helps the Chapter achieve its mission to advance the theory and practice of design, construction, administration, operation, and maintenance of public works facilities and services.

How We Work

The Committee meets monthly to discuss the status of upcoming communication products such as newsletter content and social media postings, and to strategize other initiatives such as video production, news releases, and website editing.

Who We Are

Current Committee Members:

Erin Reed, Marketing Director West, Consor (Chair) Erin.Reed@consoreng.com
Mike McGillivray, Communications Coordinator, Springfield Development & Public Works Department mmcgillivray@springfield-or.gov
Marion Barnes, Public Affairs Manager, Eugene Public Works mbarnes@eugene-or.gov
Theresa Palid, CPSM, Marketing Coordinator, PBS Engineering and Environmental theresa.palid@pbsusa.com

Get Involved!

People with experience in writing, editing, graphics, website management, marketing, public engagement, and other communication skills are always welcome. CommComm also needs public works professionals who can bring ideas to the table and help find stories that are meaningful and instructive. As a member of a Chapter committee, a presenter at Chapter conferences and trainings, or in your role in a public or private organization, your input is appreciated. If you’d like to get involved, contact the Oregon APWA Communication Committee at oregonapwa@gmail.com.


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