Welcome Young Professionals!

The public works profession is attracting more young people than ever before. APWA is the organization for public works professionals and the source for resources to help your career as well as keeping you updated on what is going on in the profession.

The opportunities for you to take advantage of local education and training opportunities, as well as attending national conferences, will be vital to your success. The opportunity to interact with 30,000 other public works professionals is invaluable.

Currently, we connect with young professionals in Oregon through social networking events and at chapter conferences.

Committee Co-Chair: Alyssa Loveday, aloveday@kittelson.com
Committee Co-Chair: Brittney Weinberg, Brittney.Weinberg@3j-consulting.com

Get Involved

For more information on how to get involved, please email us at apwa.or.ypn@gmail.com.

Not an APWA Member yet? Click here to join.


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