
The Utility and Public Right of Way Committee focuses on ensuring the sustainable use of public-owned rights of way by navigating the complex relationships among City, State, and Utility governing bodies. The Committee’s core values center around collaborative decision-making and the responsible management of this finite resource. The Committee advises on coordinating designs, construction, and land usage, working to ensure the community’s needs are met within the utility sector. The Committee works to positively impact the industry by promoting an understanding of community needs, serving as a guiding force for responsible, sustainable, and community-focused practices in the management of public rights of way.

About the Committee

The Utility and Public Right of Way Committee serves the Chapter’s project managers, design engineers, City staff, and communities. The Committee plays a pivotal role in guiding the implementation of standards, such as small cell deployment, coordinating educational events with utilities, and actively pursuing networking initiatives to enhance collaboration. Meeting quarterly, the committee addresses crucial topics such as utility coordination, Right of Way programs, and compliance with the National Electric Safety Code.

Committee Chair: Vacant – Interested? Contact Ryan Webb,


Get Involved

Did your project have a utility delay? Do you feel like your coordination is getting nowhere? Join our community and learn how to minimize delays? Contact Dante Posadas at dposadas@orcity.org to get involved or find more information.

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