
The Standard Specifications Committee works in partnership to develop complete, accurate, current, and tested standard construction specifications and drawings for use by public works agencies, consultants and contractors. The specifications will be useable as a “stand-alone” document for public agencies or private entities engaged in general Civil construction, or as a base document to use as a foundation to “build” on. The specifications will be straightforward enough to be used with confidence by persons with limited construction background, but comprehensive enough to be a valuable tool for larger organizations as well.

Committee Chair: Fred Wismer, Kittelson & Associates


Chapter Standard Specifications and Drawings
The Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction and the Oregon Standard Drawings have been developed through partnership between APWA and the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Ordering Information
The Oregon Standard Construction Specifications Manual and Standard Drawings Manual can be ordered from ODOT.

Current Activities
The Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction book is now available. ODOT has updated their web pages to include PDF versions of the current book and to provide a link to the vendor who is selling and distributing the books. The updates were developed by committees that included members from ODOT, APWA and AGC.

Ongoing Review of Proposed Specification Revisions
During discussions with ODOT staff in 2015, it was agreed that local agencies would be invited to participate in review of future proposed specification changes submitted as interim updates until the next manual is published. The committee chair receives proposed specification changes from ODOT and forwards these proposals to a group of city, county and consultant people for their review. This process will facilitate future major specification updates and better coordinate APWA and ODOT interests. Proposed updates to the specifications can be reviewed by clicking here.

Get Involved

Contact Fred Wismer at fwismer@kittelson.com if you are interested in working on any of the committee’s current activities or have thoughts on other specifications issues.

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