The Oregon APWA Scholastic Foundation offers a variety of scholarships intended to promote and expand educational opportunities and vocational skills in public works and to support the development of public works professionals. This web page provides detailed information about the specific scholarship opportunities as well as application forms for community colleges and four-year universities. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

For more information contact the Chapter Scholarship Committee.

Important information about scholarships:

Current School Year Accepting Applications: 2025-2026
Submittal Deadline: March 7, 2025
Application: Link
School Coordinator Contacts: Contact List
Scholarships Available: 22 scholarships totaling $44,000 for the colleges and universities listed below
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for
ALL Scholarships:
  • Full-time students enrolled in a program associated with the education and/or career goals identified in the scholarship’s application.
  • US citizen or legal US resident
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Course work must be taken at the school where the scholarship is awarded
Selection Process and Procedures Application packets are submitted directly to the school where the student will be completing their course work. See specific applications for detailed procedural information. The school reviews the application packets and provides the Foundation with their recommendation of who the recipient should be. The Foundation then reviews the recommendations prior to finalizing the scholarship recipients.

↓ Review the additional requirements for specific scholarships by clicking the links below. ↓

School-Specific Scholarship
School Scholarship Amount
Central Oregon Community College Les Lyle Memorial Scholarship $1,000
George Fox University Civil Engineering Scholarship $3,000
Oregon Institute of Technology Civil Engineering Scholarship $3,000
Oregon Institute of Technology Dave Vargas Memorial Scholarship $500
Oregon State University Kurt Corey Tribute Scholarship $2,000
Oregon State University Schut Environmental Engineering Scholarship $1,500
Oregon State University Ron Polvi Civil Engineering Sustainability Scholarship $1,500
Oregon State University Allen A. Alsing Civil Engineering Scholarship $2,500
Oregon State University Civil Engineering / Geomatics Scholarship $3,000
Portland Community College Merle Langley Memorial Scholarship $1,000
Portland Community College Civil and Construction Engineering Technology Scholarship $2,000
Portland State University Civil Engineering/Geomatics/Geotechnical Scholarship $3,000
Portland State University Michael Lindberg Scholarship $1,000
Southwestern OR Community College Forestry / Natural Resources Scholarship $2,000
Southwestern OR Community College Dan Boss Drinking Water or Wastewater Scholarship $1,000
Umpqua Community College Civil Engineering Transfer or GIS Scholarship #1 $2,000
Umpqua Community College Civil Engineering Transfer or GIS Scholarship #2 $2,000
University of Portland Civil Engineering Scholarship $3,000

Rotating Scholarships

School Scholarship Amount
Oregon Institute of Technology APAOEF/APWA Civil Engineering Scholarship #1 $2,500
Oregon State University APAOEF/APWA Civil Engineering Scholarship #2 $2,500
Umpqua Community College Past Presidents Scholarship $2,000
Umpqua Community College Veterans Scholarship $2,000

Additional Requirement Information for Specific Scholarships

Community College Scholarships

  • Completed at least 36 credits and the first three quarters of their program
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • Two-year resident of Oregon

Four-Year University Scholarships

  • Enrolled as a junior or senior for the given school year of award
  • Four-year resident of Oregon

Michael Lindberg Scholarship

  • Enrolled as a graduate student working toward a Master’s degree or Doctorate in Public Administration in PSU’s College of Urban and Public Affairs
  • Completed 30 credits within the MPA program
  • Interested in pursuing a career in public works administration

APAO/APWA Joint Scholarships

  • These are rotating scholarships that will be assigned to different schools each year.
  • Enrolled as a junior or senior for the given school year of award
  • Four-year resident of Oregon

Past Presidents & Veteran’s Scholarships

  • These are rotating scholarships that will be assigned to different schools each year.
  • When the scholarship is assigned to a community college, the additional scholarship requirements will match those of Portland Community College.
  • When the scholarship is at a four-year university, the additional requirements will match those of the Oregon Institute of Technology’s scholarship.

For Veteran’s Scholarship

  • Currently on active military duty, or
  • Currently part of a military Reserve unit, or
  • Retired or discharged, with honor, from the military


Learn more about the history and purpose of each scholarshipChapter Scholarships Purpose and History

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